The Predictive Potential of Assessment

The Predictive Potential of Assessment

How Polaris Predicts Success by Adding Assessments to their Approach

Joe Wollan, Director of Talent Acquisition, Polaris, describes how talent assessment plays a critical role in the success of their business strategy. You’ll walk away with new ideas to strengthen your organization’s assessment strategy, scale assessments cost effectively at lower levels, and leverage the latest in talent analytics. Learn more here.

To read more about how assessment can help your organization make better hiring decisions, visit MDA Leadership’s Talent Assessment solutions.

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At MDA Leadership, we know there are no one-size-fits-all solutions for every organization. We take the time to get to know your business and your leadership needs and recommend a range of options that are the best fit for your growth goals. Let's see how MDA Leadership can optimize your Talent Strategy for the Long Run®.