Executive Coaching Videos
MDA’s Transition Coaching Accelerates Performance
For leaders assuming a new role, coaching can be a powerful acceleration tool. Yet what makes MDA’s transition coaching so effective? In this video, MDA Chair and Founder Sandra Davis explains our Awaken, Align, Accelerate® (A3L) methodology and CEO Holly Cooper of Altumint shares how executive coaching helped her accelerate performance as a new CEO. Read our A3L brochure to learn more about this proven method to optimize your leadership development investment.
The stakes are high when you are a new executive at any organization, yet especially in a CEO or C-suite role. How do you optimize your own performance and that of your team? How do you set a positive tone for your organization and create an environment for leadership growth? In this video, CEO Holly Cooper of Altumint shares how her coaching with MDA Leadership Chair and Founder Sandra Davis helped her to achieve these goals and more.
In this powerful video, CEO Holly Cooper of Altumint and Sandra Davis, Chair and Founder of MDA Leadership, share their best advice for executives starting demanding new roles. These best practices will accelerate top executives’ performance—along with everyone around them—to drive organizational growth and success.
The Value of Coaching: CEO Maria Flynn of JFF Shares Insights
CEO Maria Flynn of JFF (Jobs for the Future) shares her insights on the value of coaching, especially as a new CEO transitioning into the role. Yet this type of approach could certainly apply to any executive starting a new role or wanting to enhance their performance.
Leading Organizational Transformation: CEO Tim Collins of EBSCO Information Services Shares Insights
CEO Tim Collins of EBSCO Information Services shares how he worked with MDA Leadership to transform his company and change the culture in order to fuel future growth. Learn from his success.
Leading Organizational Transformation: Three CEOs Share Personal Leadership Lessons
A highlight video from MDA Leadership’s Breakfast Briefing on Leading Organizational Transformation. Listen as CEOs Tim Collins of EBSCO Information Services, Maria Flynn of JFF (Jobs for the Future), and Travis York of GYK Antler share personal leadership lessons on leading organizational transformation.
C-suite Selection and Succession: Delivering Leadership Excellence for the Future
MDA Leadership helps CEOs articulate executive leadership needs, identify top talent, and accelerate C-suite transitions.
Senior Executive Blueprinting ™
C-suite Selection and Succession
C-Suite Transitions
Board Services: Enhancing Board Effectiveness
MDA Leadership helps boards strengthen their governance roles and internal dynamics.
Board Evaluations
Board and CEO Consultation
CEO Coaching and Trusted Advisor Consultation
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At MDA Leadership, we know there are no one-size-fits-all solutions for every organization. We take the time to get to know your business and your leadership needs and recommend a range of options that are the best fit for your growth goals. Let's see how MDA Leadership can optimize your Talent Strategy for the Long Run®.